Goals & Aspirations

As I mentioned, my passion lies in community nutrition and nutrition education.  From my WIC internship and other experiences I learned that I would really like to be an advocate for childhood nutrition.  I strongly believe in preventative healthcare and that if children are educated about healthy food choices from a young age it will greatly benefit them in the long run.  That being said, I also think it is extremely important for parents to understand the benefits of feeding their children healthy foods and teaching them the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.

I also believe that obtaining a Certified Diabetes Educator credential will allow me to help even more people throughout my career. During my internship I have realized that I have a true interest in diabetes education. With this disease becoming even more prevalent, especially in children, I believe this credential is essential to have.

My short term goals include completing a Dietetic Internship, passing the RD exam, and obtaining my Master's Degree in Nutrition Education or Nutrition Communications.  I also hope to obtain my CDE credential and work with clients with diabetes. I hope to achieve these goals within the next 3 years.

My long term goals involve working with childhood nutrition and education.  As an RD, I hope to get a position that will allow me to educate children and their parents about the importance of a healthy diet and lifestyle.  I really hope to make a change in the what children are taught about nutrition and healthy lifestyles.  Eventually I would like to get my PhD and teach
up-and-coming dietitians on the university level.