
Below you will find several samples of course work I have done for my Bachelor's Degree in Dietetics. (click pictures to enlarge)

Display Case Assignment

I created this display case with a group of students for a Food and Nutrition Education Course. This display shows the importance of eating foods from a variety of colors.  It also provides viewers with examples of foods and simple ways to incorporate them into the diet.

Food 235 (Design, Layout, & Operations Management) Term Project

Over the course of the semester I worked with a group of 3 other students to develop a functional food service operation. We decided to design a middle school cafeteria.  This project required us to do many tasks including: to conduct target market research, to develop a mission statement, to research and decide on all the equipment needed in our operation, to design the layout for our facility, to develop a menu, and to present our project as if we were presenting to potential investors.

This is the menu we developed for our operation.  It features healthy, nutrition-packed ingredients.

This document features major components of our project including: target market research, competitive analysis, a detailed walk-through of our operation, and our policies.

Food Science Research Project

Over the course of a semester I worked with three students to develop and conduct a research project of interest to us.  Due to the overwhelming obesity epidemic in our country today, we decided to examine the acceptibility of using banana puree as a fat substitute in chocolate brownies.  We replaced 0%, 25%, 50%, and 75% of the butter in our brownie recipe with banana puree in hopes of finding a healthier method for preparing the dessert.  We found that the participants that taste tested our products preferred the 75% replacement brownies the most. We believe that with further research, this method can be used to create healthier food products and help to curb the increasing obesity rate in the United States.

Final Research Presentation

Final Research Project Write Up

Medical Nutrition Therapy Case Studies

This semester I was required to complete two in-depth case studies in my Medical Nutrition Therapy course. The first case study follows a patient with cardiovascular disease and hypertension while the second assignment features a patient newly diagnosed with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Each case study required me to do research and answer questions about the disease state, develop a nutrition diagnosis and intervention for each patient, to write a complete ADIME note for each patient, and to use ESHA Food Processor software to create appropriate hospital menus for patients with the corresponding diseases.

Cardiovascular Disease/Hypertension

Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

Food Allergy Research Paper

As part of my Food and Nutrition Education course I was assigned a research paper with a topic of my choosing.  I was also required to give a ten minute presentation on my topic based on the information in my paper.  I decided to research food allergies because they are a significant problem today, especially in young children.  I hope to work with school lunch programs some day and I believe this project has given me good background knowledge that I will be able to utilize in my future as an RD.

You can find my paper here.

Advanced Nutrition Technical Paper

This assignment for my Advanced Nutrition class required me to pick a topic and write a scientific research paper about that topic.  This paper differed from other research papers in that it was to be as technical as possible and it was to focus on the metabolism of a nutrient as opposed to the health effects caused by that nutrient.  My paper focused on linoleic acid, eicosanoid formation, and the effect linoleic acid has on lipoprotein levels.

You can find my paper here.